Climax: Chapter 22

I know it’s Friday instead of Thursday, but better late than never. I wrote and finished Ch 21 in time to read at Scribes. The chapter seems to be a success. I have barely started Ch 22, which will require more research. It’s a bit intimidating because it is another courtroom scene and the climax of the book. Everything has been building in the hopes of achieving justice. Many of the characters have something at stake in the outcome of the trial, but on the other hand courts and judges around the US have been ignoring incidents of mob violence, which only emboldens the mobs. It has not been long since the French Revolution and increasing anarchy is always a risk.

The writing goes smoothly when I can do it. The problem is finding time. My staycation will end in a couple of days. I’m still very behind on the yard, house and stuff for work, though I did accomplish a lot. It’s hard to say how I got so far behind, a combination of medical issues/surgeries, changes in relationship, and a forced increase in the hours I work. I hope I am adjusting to all the changes and figuring out what needs to be done. I’m trying to institute changes in the way I do things that will make keeping up easier in the long run. Like killing all the grass around the perimeter of my gardens so I don’t have to waste time trimming and mulching heavily in non-iris gardens. I’m also dealing with aging parents, who are ill and need support. I just keep doing the best I can.

I have a fun dinner planned for tonight at my favorite restaurant, Paula’s On Main, with a new beau. I will do my best to put in a bit of writing time. Out to plant some annuals and cut my grass.

Published by dpreisig

Dawn was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and moved to Fort Wayne at the age of nine. As an adult, she lived off and on in Denver, Colorado. She went to college at Purdue Indiana University and works fulltime as a Nurse Practioner. She has two grown sons and two grandsons. She loves history, travel, writing, gardening, painting, any kind of creative arts.

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