Back to Work

By that I mean I’m home from Indianapolis. I think I’m to the point where I can relax a bit. I really enjoyed my Mother’s Day/iris harvest weekend. I drove down on Thursday evening after packing. Friday we went to the Indianapolis Zoo and met up with my niece and her two daughters. It was so much fun to see how they had grown. I enjoyed a couple of rides, root beer float, elephants, rhinos, gazelles, bears, and giraffes. On Saturday we labeled iris and I took starts from ones I was interested in. On Sunday, a friend that I met through my online iris groups drove to Suzy’s and we visited and selected iris for her. Again it was so much fun. My sister also took some updated photos of me that I can use for various projects, including author photos. Monday, I dropped by my friend’s iris garden and photographed her iris and got more iris. So I have a bag and a bucket of iris to take care of. I know, I know. But it was fun and felt like a short vacation from life.

Now I’m back and all the work is here waiting for me. The cats didn’t kill each other for which I’m grateful. As remembered in my last post, I have a lot of yard work to do. On rainy days or when I’m too tired physically, I will write. I watched another courtroom drama last night, Richard Jewel. Not all courtroom dramas have a courtroom scene. This one didn’t but it had lots of drama and interviews with FBI agents. It is interesting to see how the different dramas play out. How the authors introduce the crime, the characters, the setup and most importantly how the killer will be set up and caught, or not caught, as the case maybe.

In my novel, there will be two courtroom scenes. The question I was pondering was how to portray the courtroom activity. Show it up close, line by line, testimony by testimony, or sum it all up like they did in The Post? My detective, Lincoln, plays a primary part in the book, so the second part is all about how he sets out to accomplish his goals, despite the crime that has taken place. I think it is important to show how Lincoln and the rest of the world come to the conclusions they do, why the outcome of the trials went as it did (this is true history), and sum it up at the end. That’s what I’m thinking now, but who knows?

Published by dpreisig

Dawn was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and moved to Fort Wayne at the age of nine. As an adult, she lived off and on in Denver, Colorado. She went to college at Purdue Indiana University and works fulltime as a Nurse Practioner. She has two grown sons and two grandsons. She loves history, travel, writing, gardening, painting, any kind of creative arts.

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