Hanging in there

I’m starting my work week tomorrow. I am getting more caught up in the yard. Maybe a third done. It will make my life easier in the long run. Things are more difficult at my day job. Lots of new things happening to keep up on. I’ve made some decisions to cut back on the amount of gardening and yard work I do, but first I have to implement the measures that will allow me to do so. So no new writing yet from me except this.

I was sad to see that my favorite author died, Caleb Carr. I love his novel, The Alienist. It inspired me to write historical crime fiction. I bought his last book, My Beloved Monster: Masha, the Half-Wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me. I watched a few interviews with him and read about him on the internet. He led a very interesting life.

I’ve been dealing with several sick family members as well. My father is in rehab recovering from a fall. My stepmother has been battling cancer. My brother-in-law is in the end stages of Alzheimer’s. Altogether a bit of a rough time. I’m sorry if any of this is repetitive to what I wrote before. Not much has changed on the surface, but I am making progress. Sometimes you have to take a step back and regroup. That’s what I’ve been doing, but the enthusiasm is still there. I have faith in myself. Stay safe and pat yourself on the back.

Published by dpreisig

Dawn was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and moved to Fort Wayne at the age of nine. As an adult, she lived off and on in Denver, Colorado. She went to college at Purdue Indiana University and works fulltime as a Nurse Practioner. She has two grown sons and two grandsons. She loves history, travel, writing, gardening, painting, any kind of creative arts.

One thought on “Hanging in there

  1. I loved The Alienist, too. They did a TV series on it, but I didn’t watch it.

    Glad you’ve found a way to cut back on yardwork. It will save you a lot of time in the long run. Good luck at work!


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